Thursday, July 14, 2011

SQL Server 2008 Performance Data Collector

Performance Tuning in SQL Server is still tricky. SQL Server had provided various tools to monitor performance like Profiler, PerfMon, Management Studio’s, DMVs (Dynamic Management Views) and so on. Some of these tools collects database logs and generate report in order to help DBA’s to identify problems areas themselves and take necessary steps. But still getting a consolidated report which helps to identify which process is taking lot of time is a problem and not very straight forward.

SQL Server 2008 introduced Performance Data collector to overcome some of these limitations. Here we will see what exactly performance Data collector is and what it does.

Performance Data Collector is performance tools introduced in SQL Server 2008. It can collect data from single or multiple SQL Server instances and diagnostically analyze this information to generate reports. The activities of Performance Data Collected can be broadly classified into three categories.

Collects Data:
SQL Server 2008 comes with three built-in Data Collection Sets: one is to collect Disk Usage information; another is used to collect Query Statistics, and the third is used to collect a wide variety of Server Activities. According to Microsoft, these three Data Collection Sets collect the essential data needed to identify and troubleshoot most common SQL Server performance problems. If you don’t think the data that is collected is enough, you can create your own custom Data Collection Sets.

Central Repository:
All data collected by Data Collection Sets are stored in a centralized location called Management Data Warehouse (MDW). MDW can store data from single or multiple SQL Server Instances. While currently the focus of MDW is to store only performance related data, but in future version of SQL Server this will store virtually any data you want to collect from SQL Server, such as Extended Events, Audit data etc. The MDW is extensible, so if you are up to the task, you can store your own data in the MDW.

Performance Reports:
Data collected in MDW are diagnostically analyzed and reports are generated. SQL Server 2008 includes three built-in reports; Disk Usage Summary, Query Statistics History, and Server Activity History.